Classes | Functions
utilities/gin_util.h File Reference


class  PerlinNoise< T >
 Perlin noise - realistic looking noise Based on reference implementation of Perlin Noise by Ken Perlin More...
class  RollingAverage
 Keeps a rolling average of a series of numbers. More...
class  TimeProfiler
 Time Profiler – get a quick idea how long something takes. More...


bool compareAndReset (bool &flag)
 Check a bool, it's set, clear and return true. More...
float calculateRMS (const float *values, int n)
 Get RMS. More...
float calculateMedian (const float *values, int n)
 Get average. More...
template<typename T >
void shuffleArray (juce::Random &r, T &array)
 Fisher-Yates Shuffle for juce::Array. More...
int versionStringToInt (const juce::String &versionString)
void delayedLambda (std::function< void()> callback, int delayMS)
 Do a lambda, a bit later. More...
template<typename T >
juce::String formatNumber (T v)