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SingleLineTextEditor Class Reference

An editable text box. More...

#include <gin_singlelinetexteditor.h>

Inherits juce::Component, juce::TextInputTarget, and juce::SettableTooltipClient.


class  InputFilter
 Base class for input filters that can be applied to a TextEditor to restrict the text that can be entered. More...
class  LengthAndCharacterRestriction
 An input filter for a TextEditor that limits the length of text and/or the characters that it may contain. More...
class  Listener
 Receives callbacks from a TextEditor component when it changes. More...
struct  LookAndFeelMethods
 This abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide TextEditor drawing functionality. More...

Public Types

enum  ColourIds {
  backgroundColourId = 0x1000200 , textColourId = 0x1000201 , highlightColourId = 0x1000202 , highlightedTextColourId = 0x1000203 ,
  outlineColourId = 0x1000205 , focusedOutlineColourId = 0x1000206 , shadowColourId = 0x1000207
 A set of colour IDs to use to change the colour of various aspects of the editor. More...

Public Member Functions

 SingleLineTextEditor (const juce::String &componentName=juce::String())
 Creates a new, empty text editor.
 ~SingleLineTextEditor () override
void setTabKeyUsedAsCharacter (bool shouldTabKeyBeUsed)
 Indicates whether the tab key should be accepted and used to input a tab character, or whether it gets ignored.
bool isTabKeyUsedAsCharacter () const
 Returns true if the tab key is being used for input.
void setEscapeAndReturnKeysConsumed (bool shouldBeConsumed) noexcept
 This can be used to change whether escape and return keypress events are propagated up to the parent component.
void setReadOnly (bool shouldBeReadOnly)
 Changes the editor to read-only mode.
bool isReadOnly () const noexcept
 Returns true if the editor is in read-only mode.
void setCaretVisible (bool shouldBeVisible)
 Makes the caret visible or invisible.
bool isCaretVisible () const noexcept
 Returns true if the caret is enabled.
void setPopupMenuEnabled (bool menuEnabled)
 Allows a right-click menu to appear for the editor.
bool isPopupMenuEnabled () const noexcept
 Returns true if the right-click menu is enabled.
bool isPopupMenuCurrentlyActive () const noexcept
 Returns true if a popup-menu is currently being displayed.
void setFont (const juce::Font &newFont)
 Sets the font to use for newly added text.
void applyFontToAllText (const juce::Font &newFont)
 Applies a font to all the text in the editor.
const juce::Font & getFont () const noexcept
 Returns the font that's currently being used for new text.
void setJustificationType (juce::Justification just)
void setSelectAllWhenFocused (bool shouldSelectAll)
 If set to true, focusing on the editor will highlight all its text.
void setTextToShowWhenEmpty (const juce::String &text, juce::Colour colourToUse)
 When the text editor is empty, it can be set to display a message.
void addListener (SingleLineTextEditor::Listener *newListener)
 Registers a listener to be told when things happen to the text.
void removeListener (SingleLineTextEditor::Listener *listenerToRemove)
 Deregisters a listener.
juce::String getText () const
 Returns the entire contents of the editor.
juce::String getTextInRange (const juce::Range< int > &textRange) const override
 Returns a section of the contents of the editor.
bool isEmpty () const
 Returns true if there are no characters in the editor.
void setText (const juce::String &newText, bool sendTextChangeMessage=true)
 Sets the entire content of the editor.
juce::Value & getTextValue ()
 Returns a Value object that can be used to get or set the text.
void insertTextAtCaret (const juce::String &textToInsert) override
 Inserts some text at the current caret position.
void clear ()
 Deletes all the text from the editor.
void cut ()
 Deletes the currently selected region.
void copy ()
 Copies the currently selected region to the clipboard.
void paste ()
 Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the editor at the caret position.
int getCaretPosition () const override
 Returns the current index of the caret.
void setCaretPosition (int newIndex)
 Moves the caret to be in front of a given character.
juce::Rectangle< intgetCaretRectangleForCharIndex (int index) const override
 Get the graphical position of the caret.
void setHighlightedRegion (const juce::Range< int > &newSelection) override
 Selects a section of the text.
juce::Range< intgetHighlightedRegion () const override
 Returns the range of characters that are selected.
juce::String getHighlightedText () const
 Returns the section of text that is currently selected.
int getTextIndexAt (int x, int y)
 Finds the index of the character at a given position.
int getTotalNumChars () const override
 Counts the number of characters in the text.
int getTextWidth () const
 Returns the total width of the text, as it is currently laid-out.
int getTextHeight () const
 Returns the maximum height of the text, as it is currently laid-out.
void moveCaretToEnd ()
bool moveCaretLeft (bool moveInWholeWordSteps, bool selecting)
bool moveCaretRight (bool moveInWholeWordSteps, bool selecting)
bool moveCaretUp (bool selecting)
bool moveCaretDown (bool selecting)
bool pageUp (bool selecting)
bool pageDown (bool selecting)
bool scrollDown ()
bool scrollUp ()
bool moveCaretToTop (bool selecting)
bool moveCaretToStartOfLine (bool selecting)
bool moveCaretToEnd (bool selecting)
bool moveCaretToEndOfLine (bool selecting)
bool deleteBackwards (bool moveInWholeWordSteps)
bool deleteForwards (bool moveInWholeWordSteps)
bool copyToClipboard ()
bool cutToClipboard ()
bool pasteFromClipboard ()
bool selectAll ()
bool undo ()
bool redo ()
virtual void addPopupMenuItems (juce::PopupMenu &menuToAddTo, const juce::MouseEvent *mouseClickEvent)
 This adds the items to the popup menu.
virtual void performPopupMenuAction (int menuItemID)
 This is called to perform one of the items that was shown on the popup menu.
void setInputFilter (InputFilter *newFilter, bool takeOwnership)
 Sets an input filter that should be applied to this editor.
InputFiltergetInputFilter () const noexcept
 Returns the current InputFilter, as set by setInputFilter().
void setInputRestrictions (int maxTextLength, const juce::String &allowedCharacters=juce::String())
 Sets limits on the characters that can be entered.
void setKeyboardType (VirtualKeyboardType type) noexcept
void paint (juce::Graphics &) override
void paintOverChildren (juce::Graphics &) override
void mouseDown (const juce::MouseEvent &) override
void mouseUp (const juce::MouseEvent &) override
void mouseDrag (const juce::MouseEvent &) override
void mouseDoubleClick (const juce::MouseEvent &) override
void mouseWheelMove (const juce::MouseEvent &, const juce::MouseWheelDetails &) override
bool keyPressed (const juce::KeyPress &) override
bool keyStateChanged (bool) override
void focusGained (FocusChangeType) override
void focusLost (FocusChangeType) override
void resized () override
void enablementChanged () override
void colourChanged () override
void lookAndFeelChanged () override
bool isTextInputActive () const override
void setTemporaryUnderlining (const juce::Array< juce::Range< int > > &) override
VirtualKeyboardType getKeyboardType () override

Protected Member Functions

void textChanged ()
 Used internally to dispatch a text-change message.
void newTransaction ()
 Begins a new transaction in the UndoManager.
virtual void returnPressed ()
 Can be overridden to intercept return key presses directly.
virtual void escapePressed ()
 Can be overridden to intercept escape key presses directly.

Detailed Description

An editable text box.

A TextEditor can either be in single- or multi-line mode, and supports mixed fonts and colours.

This is a hacked up version of the JUCE TextEditor that supports all justification modes

See also
TextEditor::Listener, Label

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ColourIds

A set of colour IDs to use to change the colour of various aspects of the editor.

These constants can be used either via the Component::setColour(), or LookAndFeel::setColour() methods.

NB: You can also set the caret colour using CaretComponent::caretColourId

See also
Component::setColour, Component::findColour, LookAndFeel::setColour, LookAndFeel::findColour

The colour to use for the text component's background - this can be transparent if necessary.


The colour that will be used when text is added to the editor.

Note that because the editor can contain multiple colours, calling this method won't change the colour of existing text - to do that, call applyFontToAllText() after calling this method.


The colour with which to fill the background of highlighted sections of the text - this can be transparent if you don't want to show any highlighting.


The colour with which to draw the text in highlighted sections.


If this is non-transparent, it will be used to draw a box around the edge of the component.


If this is non-transparent, it will be used to draw a box around the edge of the component when it has focus.


If this is non-transparent, it'll be used to draw an inner shadow around the edge of the editor.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SingleLineTextEditor()

SingleLineTextEditor::SingleLineTextEditor ( const juce::String &  componentName = juce::String())

Creates a new, empty text editor.

componentNamethe name to pass to the component for it to use as its name

◆ ~SingleLineTextEditor()

SingleLineTextEditor::~SingleLineTextEditor ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ setTabKeyUsedAsCharacter()

void SingleLineTextEditor::setTabKeyUsedAsCharacter ( bool  shouldTabKeyBeUsed)

Indicates whether the tab key should be accepted and used to input a tab character, or whether it gets ignored.

By default the tab key is ignored, so that it can be used to switch keyboard focus between components.

◆ isTabKeyUsedAsCharacter()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::isTabKeyUsedAsCharacter ( ) const

Returns true if the tab key is being used for input.

See also

◆ setEscapeAndReturnKeysConsumed()

void SingleLineTextEditor::setEscapeAndReturnKeysConsumed ( bool  shouldBeConsumed)

This can be used to change whether escape and return keypress events are propagated up to the parent component.

The default here is true, meaning that these events are not allowed to reach the parent, but you may want to allow them through so that they can trigger other actions, e.g. closing a dialog box, etc.

◆ setReadOnly()

void SingleLineTextEditor::setReadOnly ( bool  shouldBeReadOnly)

Changes the editor to read-only mode.

By default, the text editor is not read-only. If you're making it read-only, you might also want to call setCaretVisible (false) to get rid of the caret.

The text can still be highlighted and copied when in read-only mode.

See also
isReadOnly, setCaretVisible

◆ isReadOnly()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::isReadOnly ( ) const

Returns true if the editor is in read-only mode.

Referenced by isCaretVisible().

◆ setCaretVisible()

void SingleLineTextEditor::setCaretVisible ( bool  shouldBeVisible)

Makes the caret visible or invisible.

By default the caret is visible.

See also
setCaretColour, setCaretPosition

◆ isCaretVisible()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::isCaretVisible ( ) const

Returns true if the caret is enabled.

See also

References isReadOnly().

◆ setPopupMenuEnabled()

void SingleLineTextEditor::setPopupMenuEnabled ( bool  menuEnabled)

Allows a right-click menu to appear for the editor.

(This defaults to being enabled).

If enabled, right-clicking (or command-clicking on the Mac) will pop up a menu of options such as cut/copy/paste, undo/redo, etc.

◆ isPopupMenuEnabled()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::isPopupMenuEnabled ( ) const

Returns true if the right-click menu is enabled.

See also

◆ isPopupMenuCurrentlyActive()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::isPopupMenuCurrentlyActive ( ) const

Returns true if a popup-menu is currently being displayed.

◆ setFont()

void SingleLineTextEditor::setFont ( const juce::Font &  newFont)

Sets the font to use for newly added text.

This will change the font that will be used next time any text is added or entered into the editor. It won't change the font of any existing text - to do that, use applyFontToAllText() instead.

See also

◆ applyFontToAllText()

void SingleLineTextEditor::applyFontToAllText ( const juce::Font &  newFont)

Applies a font to all the text in the editor.

This will also set the current font to use for any new text that's added.

See also

◆ getFont()

const juce::Font & SingleLineTextEditor::getFont ( ) const

Returns the font that's currently being used for new text.

See also

◆ setJustificationType()

void SingleLineTextEditor::setJustificationType ( juce::Justification  just)

◆ setSelectAllWhenFocused()

void SingleLineTextEditor::setSelectAllWhenFocused ( bool  shouldSelectAll)

If set to true, focusing on the editor will highlight all its text.

(Set to false by default).

This is useful for boxes where you expect the user to re-enter all the text when they focus on the component, rather than editing what's already there.

◆ setTextToShowWhenEmpty()

void SingleLineTextEditor::setTextToShowWhenEmpty ( const juce::String &  text,
juce::Colour  colourToUse 

When the text editor is empty, it can be set to display a message.

This is handy for things like telling the user what to type in the box - the string is only displayed, it's not taken to actually be the contents of the editor.

◆ addListener()

void SingleLineTextEditor::addListener ( SingleLineTextEditor::Listener newListener)

Registers a listener to be told when things happen to the text.

See also

◆ removeListener()

void SingleLineTextEditor::removeListener ( SingleLineTextEditor::Listener listenerToRemove)

Deregisters a listener.

See also

◆ getText()

juce::String SingleLineTextEditor::getText ( ) const

Returns the entire contents of the editor.

◆ getTextInRange()

juce::String SingleLineTextEditor::getTextInRange ( const juce::Range< int > &  textRange) const

Returns a section of the contents of the editor.

◆ isEmpty()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::isEmpty ( ) const

Returns true if there are no characters in the editor.

This is far more efficient than calling getText().isEmpty().

◆ setText()

void SingleLineTextEditor::setText ( const juce::String &  newText,
bool  sendTextChangeMessage = true 

Sets the entire content of the editor.

This will clear the editor and insert the given text (using the current text colour and font). You can set the current text colour using

setColour (TextEditor::textColourId, ...);
Like the juce::Point, useful for project that don't use juce_graphics.
Definition gin_point.h:19
newTextthe text to add
sendTextChangeMessageif true, this will cause a change message to be sent to all the listeners.
See also

◆ getTextValue()

juce::Value & SingleLineTextEditor::getTextValue ( )

Returns a Value object that can be used to get or set the text.

Bear in mind that this operate quite slowly if your text box contains large amounts of text, as it needs to dynamically build the string that's involved. It's best used for small text boxes.

◆ insertTextAtCaret()

void SingleLineTextEditor::insertTextAtCaret ( const juce::String &  textToInsert)

Inserts some text at the current caret position.

If a section of the text is highlighted, it will be replaced by this string, otherwise it will be inserted.

To delete a section of text, you can use setHighlightedRegion() to highlight it, and call insertTextAtCaret (String()).

See also
setCaretPosition, getCaretPosition, setHighlightedRegion

◆ clear()

void SingleLineTextEditor::clear ( )

Deletes all the text from the editor.

◆ cut()

void SingleLineTextEditor::cut ( )

Deletes the currently selected region.

This doesn't copy the deleted section to the clipboard - if you need to do that, call copy() first.

See also
copy, paste, SystemClipboard

◆ copy()

void SingleLineTextEditor::copy ( )

Copies the currently selected region to the clipboard.

See also
cut, paste, SystemClipboard

◆ paste()

void SingleLineTextEditor::paste ( )

Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the editor at the caret position.

See also
cut, copy, SystemClipboard

◆ getCaretPosition()

int SingleLineTextEditor::getCaretPosition ( ) const

Returns the current index of the caret.

See also

◆ setCaretPosition()

void SingleLineTextEditor::setCaretPosition ( int  newIndex)

Moves the caret to be in front of a given character.

See also
getCaretPosition, moveCaretToEnd

◆ getCaretRectangleForCharIndex()

juce::Rectangle< int > SingleLineTextEditor::getCaretRectangleForCharIndex ( int  index) const

Get the graphical position of the caret.

The rectangle returned is relative to the component's top-left corner.

See also

◆ setHighlightedRegion()

void SingleLineTextEditor::setHighlightedRegion ( const juce::Range< int > &  newSelection)

Selects a section of the text.

◆ getHighlightedRegion()

juce::Range< int > SingleLineTextEditor::getHighlightedRegion ( ) const

Returns the range of characters that are selected.

If nothing is selected, this will return an empty range.

See also

◆ getHighlightedText()

juce::String SingleLineTextEditor::getHighlightedText ( ) const

Returns the section of text that is currently selected.

◆ getTextIndexAt()

int SingleLineTextEditor::getTextIndexAt ( int  x,
int  y 

Finds the index of the character at a given position.

The coordinates are relative to the component's top-left.

◆ getTotalNumChars()

int SingleLineTextEditor::getTotalNumChars ( ) const

Counts the number of characters in the text.

This is quicker than getting the text as a string if you just need to know the length.

◆ getTextWidth()

int SingleLineTextEditor::getTextWidth ( ) const

Returns the total width of the text, as it is currently laid-out.

This may be larger than the size of the TextEditor, and can change when the TextEditor is resized or the text changes.

◆ getTextHeight()

int SingleLineTextEditor::getTextHeight ( ) const

Returns the maximum height of the text, as it is currently laid-out.

This may be larger than the size of the TextEditor, and can change when the TextEditor is resized or the text changes.

◆ moveCaretToEnd() [1/2]

void SingleLineTextEditor::moveCaretToEnd ( )

◆ moveCaretLeft()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::moveCaretLeft ( bool  moveInWholeWordSteps,
bool  selecting 

◆ moveCaretRight()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::moveCaretRight ( bool  moveInWholeWordSteps,
bool  selecting 

◆ moveCaretUp()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::moveCaretUp ( bool  selecting)

◆ moveCaretDown()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::moveCaretDown ( bool  selecting)

◆ pageUp()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::pageUp ( bool  selecting)

◆ pageDown()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::pageDown ( bool  selecting)

◆ scrollDown()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::scrollDown ( )

◆ scrollUp()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::scrollUp ( )

◆ moveCaretToTop()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::moveCaretToTop ( bool  selecting)

◆ moveCaretToStartOfLine()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::moveCaretToStartOfLine ( bool  selecting)

◆ moveCaretToEnd() [2/2]

bool SingleLineTextEditor::moveCaretToEnd ( bool  selecting)

◆ moveCaretToEndOfLine()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::moveCaretToEndOfLine ( bool  selecting)

◆ deleteBackwards()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::deleteBackwards ( bool  moveInWholeWordSteps)

◆ deleteForwards()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::deleteForwards ( bool  moveInWholeWordSteps)

◆ copyToClipboard()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::copyToClipboard ( )

◆ cutToClipboard()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::cutToClipboard ( )

◆ pasteFromClipboard()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::pasteFromClipboard ( )

◆ selectAll()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::selectAll ( )

◆ undo()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::undo ( )

◆ redo()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::redo ( )

◆ addPopupMenuItems()

virtual void SingleLineTextEditor::addPopupMenuItems ( juce::PopupMenu &  menuToAddTo,
const juce::MouseEvent *  mouseClickEvent 

This adds the items to the popup menu.

By default it adds the cut/copy/paste items, but you can override this if you need to replace these with your own items.

If you want to add your own items to the existing ones, you can override this, call the base class's addPopupMenuItems() method, then append your own items.

When the menu has been shown, performPopupMenuAction() will be called to perform the item that the user has chosen.

The default menu items will be added using item IDs from the StandardApplicationCommandIDs namespace.

If this was triggered by a mouse-click, the mouseClickEvent parameter will be a pointer to the info about it, or may be null if the menu is being triggered by some other means.

See also
performPopupMenuAction, setPopupMenuEnabled, isPopupMenuEnabled

◆ performPopupMenuAction()

virtual void SingleLineTextEditor::performPopupMenuAction ( int  menuItemID)

This is called to perform one of the items that was shown on the popup menu.

If you've overridden addPopupMenuItems(), you should also override this to perform the actions that you've added.

If you've overridden addPopupMenuItems() but have still left the default items on the menu, remember to call the superclass's performPopupMenuAction() so that it can perform the default actions if that's what the user clicked on.

See also
addPopupMenuItems, setPopupMenuEnabled, isPopupMenuEnabled

◆ setInputFilter()

void SingleLineTextEditor::setInputFilter ( InputFilter newFilter,
bool  takeOwnership 

Sets an input filter that should be applied to this editor.

The filter can be nullptr, to remove any existing filters. If takeOwnership is true, then the filter will be owned and deleted by the editor when no longer needed.

◆ getInputFilter()

InputFilter * SingleLineTextEditor::getInputFilter ( ) const

Returns the current InputFilter, as set by setInputFilter().

◆ setInputRestrictions()

void SingleLineTextEditor::setInputRestrictions ( int  maxTextLength,
const juce::String &  allowedCharacters = juce::String() 

Sets limits on the characters that can be entered.

This is just a shortcut that passes an instance of the LengthAndCharacterRestriction class to setInputFilter().

maxTextLengthif this is > 0, it sets a maximum length limit; if 0, no limit is set
allowedCharactersif this is non-empty, then only characters that occur in this string are allowed to be entered into the editor.

◆ setKeyboardType()

void SingleLineTextEditor::setKeyboardType ( VirtualKeyboardType  type)

◆ paint()

void SingleLineTextEditor::paint ( juce::Graphics &  )

◆ paintOverChildren()

void SingleLineTextEditor::paintOverChildren ( juce::Graphics &  )

◆ mouseDown()

void SingleLineTextEditor::mouseDown ( const juce::MouseEvent &  )

◆ mouseUp()

void SingleLineTextEditor::mouseUp ( const juce::MouseEvent &  )

◆ mouseDrag()

void SingleLineTextEditor::mouseDrag ( const juce::MouseEvent &  )

◆ mouseDoubleClick()

void SingleLineTextEditor::mouseDoubleClick ( const juce::MouseEvent &  )

◆ mouseWheelMove()

void SingleLineTextEditor::mouseWheelMove ( const juce::MouseEvent &  ,
const juce::MouseWheelDetails &   

◆ keyPressed()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::keyPressed ( const juce::KeyPress &  )

◆ keyStateChanged()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::keyStateChanged ( bool  )

◆ focusGained()

void SingleLineTextEditor::focusGained ( FocusChangeType  )

◆ focusLost()

void SingleLineTextEditor::focusLost ( FocusChangeType  )

◆ resized()

void SingleLineTextEditor::resized ( )

◆ enablementChanged()

void SingleLineTextEditor::enablementChanged ( )

◆ colourChanged()

void SingleLineTextEditor::colourChanged ( )

◆ lookAndFeelChanged()

void SingleLineTextEditor::lookAndFeelChanged ( )

◆ isTextInputActive()

bool SingleLineTextEditor::isTextInputActive ( ) const

◆ setTemporaryUnderlining()

void SingleLineTextEditor::setTemporaryUnderlining ( const juce::Array< juce::Range< int > > &  )

◆ getKeyboardType()

VirtualKeyboardType SingleLineTextEditor::getKeyboardType ( )

◆ textChanged()

void SingleLineTextEditor::textChanged ( )

Used internally to dispatch a text-change message.

◆ newTransaction()

void SingleLineTextEditor::newTransaction ( )

Begins a new transaction in the UndoManager.

◆ returnPressed()

virtual void SingleLineTextEditor::returnPressed ( )

Can be overridden to intercept return key presses directly.

◆ escapePressed()

virtual void SingleLineTextEditor::escapePressed ( )

Can be overridden to intercept escape key presses directly.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: