Classes | Enumerations | Functions
gin_bandlimitedlookuptable.h File Reference


class  BandLimitedLookupTable
 Lookup tables for holding bandlimited waveforms. More...
class  BandLimitedLookupTables
 Generate and hold bandlimited lookup tabkes for all the common waveforms. More...


enum class  Wave {
  silence = 0 , sine = 1 , triangle = 2 , sawUp = 3 ,
  sawDown = 4 , pulse = 5 , square = 6 , whiteNoise = 7 ,
  pinkNoise = 8


float sine (float phase, float unused1=0, float unused2=0)
float triangle (float phase, float freq, float sampleRate)
float sawUp (float phase, float freq, float sampleRate)
float sawDown (float phase, float freq, float sampleRate)
float pulse (float phase, float pw, float freq, float sampleRate)
float squareWave (float phase, float freq, float sampleRate)