class | ADSR |
| Linear ADSR. More...
class | AnalogADSR |
| Analog ADSR. More...
class | AudioEquationParser |
| Enhances the EquationParser with math related functions like filters and oscilllators. More...
class | AudioFifo |
| FIFO - stuff audio in one end and it pops out the other. More...
struct | FuncState |
| Base class to store an audio functions state But you say "functions don't have state!" Well, that's true, but to make things like filters act as functions, I need to hide a bit of state in them. More...
struct | OscState |
| State for an oscillator. More...
struct | NoiseState |
| State for noise. More...
struct | HP12State |
| State for high pass filter. More...
struct | HP24State |
| State for high pass filter. More...
struct | BP12State |
| State for band pass filter. More...
struct | BP24State |
| State for band pass filter. More...
struct | LP12State |
| State for low pass filter. More...
struct | LP24State |
| State for low pass filter. More...
struct | Notch12State |
| State for notch filter. More...
struct | Notch24State |
| State for notch filter. More...
class | AudioFunctionHost |
| State managment for audio functions. More...
class | GainProcessor |
class | WetDryMix |
| Mix between wet and dry with a nice curve. More...
class | BandLimitedLookupTable |
| Lookup tables for holding bandlimited waveforms. More...
class | BandLimitedLookupTables |
| Generate and hold bandlimited lookup tabkes for all the common waveforms. More...
class | DelayLine |
| Audio Delay with linear interpolation. More...
class | AirWindowsDistortion |
| Distortion based on AirWindows plugins. More...
class | EnvelopeDetector |
| EnvelopeDetector for Dynamics. More...
class | Dynamics |
| Compressor / Gate / Expander / Limiter based on algorithm from Designing Audio Effect Plug-ins in C++ by Will Pirkle. More...
class | EasedValueSmoother< T > |
| Linearly smooths a value in a 0 to 1 range at a constant rate. More...
class | EQ |
| Basic multi channel / multi band EQ. More...
class | FastMath< F > |
class | Filter |
| Basic multi channel filter. More...
class | GateEffect |
| Gate effect. More...
class | LevelTracker |
| Track audio levels with decay in dB. More...
class | LFO |
| LFO with many shapes. More...
struct | LFO::Parameters |
class | MidiFifo |
| FIFO - stuff midi in one end and it pops out the other. More...
class | Modulation |
| Audio modulation, for a chorus or phaser etc. More...
class | MSEG |
| MSEG LFO. More...
struct | MSEG::Parameters |
struct | MSEG::Point |
struct | MSEG::Data |
class | WhiteNoise |
class | PinkNoise |
class | StereoOscillator |
| Virtual Analog Stereo oscillator. More...
struct | StereoOscillator::Params |
struct | VoicedOscillatorParams |
class | VoicedStereoOscillator< O, P > |
| Stereo Oscillator with multiples voices, pan, spread, detune, etc. More...
struct | VoicedStereoOscillatorParams |
class | BLLTVoicedStereoOscillator |
| Stereo Oscillator with multiple voices, pan, spread, detune, etc. More...
class | PlateReverb< F, I > |
| Plate reverb from Dattorro's paper. More...
class | ResamplingFifo |
| ResamplingFifo - uses secret rabbit code. More...
class | Sample |
| Holds an audio sample. More...
class | SampleOscillator |
| Oscillator for playing samples. More...
class | ScratchBuffer |
| A temporay buffer provided from a list. More...
class | SimpleVerb |
| Simple Reverb. More...
class | StepLFO |
| LFO with editable number of steps. More...
class | StereoDelay |
| Stereo delay with feedback and cross feedback. More...
class | StereoEnhancer |
| Stereo Enhancer. More...
class | StereoProcessor |
| Stereo Processor. More...
struct | GlideInfo |
| Info on how the voice should glide. More...
class | SynthesiserVoice |
| A voice with glide info and fast kill support. More...
class | Synthesiser |
| MPESynthesiser with better fast kill, mono and glide support. More...
class | TextRenderer |
| Render audio to ascii waveforms. More...
class | ValueSmoother< T > |
| Linearly smooths a value in a 0 to 1 range at a constant rate. More...
class | DCBlocker |
class | WTOscillator |
| WT Oscillator. More...
struct | WTOscillator::Params |
struct | WTVoicedStereoOscillatorParams |
class | WTVoicedStereoOscillator |
| Stereo Wavetable Oscillator with multiples voices, pan, spread, detune, etc. More...
juce::Value | findValue (juce::ValueTree &state, juce::Identifier name, juce::var value) |
template<class T > |
T | getMidiNoteInHertz (const T noteNumber, const T frequencyOfA=(T) 440.0) |
template<class T > |
T | getMidiNoteFromHertz (const T freq, const T frequencyOfA=(T) 440.0) |
float | velocityToGain (float velocity, float sensitivity=1.0f) |
void | applyGain (juce::AudioSampleBuffer &buffer, juce::LinearSmoothedValue< float > &gain) |
void | applyGain (juce::AudioSampleBuffer &buffer, int channel, juce::LinearSmoothedValue< float > &gain) |
void | clip (juce::AudioSampleBuffer &buffer, float low=-1.0f, float high=1.0f) |
juce::String | getMidiMessageType (const juce::MidiMessage &msg) |
juce::AudioSampleBuffer | sliceBuffer (juce::AudioSampleBuffer &input, int start, int length) |
| Get a section of an audio buffer.
ScratchBuffer | monoBuffer (juce::AudioSampleBuffer &input) |
| Get a buffer but mono.
template<class T > |
T | lerp (T a, T b, T t) |
| Computes the linear interpolation between a and b, if the parameter t is inside [0, 1].
template<class T > |
int | sign (T x) |
| Sign +1 or -1 of number.
float | sine (float phase, float unused1=0, float unused2=0) |
float | triangle (float phase, float freq, float sampleRate) |
float | sawUp (float phase, float freq, float sampleRate) |
float | sawDown (float phase, float freq, float sampleRate) |
float | pulse (float phase, float pw, float freq, float sampleRate) |
float | squareWave (float phase, float freq, float sampleRate) |
bool | loadWavetables (juce::OwnedArray< BandLimitedLookupTable > &bllt, double playbackSampleRate, juce::AudioSampleBuffer &buffer, double fileSampleRate, int tableSize) |