CADSR | Linear ADSR |
CADSRComponent | Component for adjuting ADSR curves |
CAirWindowsDistortion | Distortion based on AirWindows plugins |
CAnalogADSR | Analog ADSR |
CAsyncDownload | Async Download |
CAsyncLambdaValueTreeListener | Listen to value tree changes with std::function<>, but Async |
CAsyncWebsocket | |
CAudioEquationParser | Enhances the EquationParser with math related functions like filters and oscilllators |
CAudioFifo | FIFO - stuff audio in one end and it pops out the other |
CAudioFunctionHost | State managment for audio functions |
CAudioSamplerBufferComponent | Draws an AudioSampleBuffer thumbnail |
CBandLimitedLookupTable | Lookup tables for holding bandlimited waveforms |
CBandLimitedLookupTables | Generate and hold bandlimited lookup tables for all the common waveforms |
CBLLTVoicedStereoOscillator | Stereo Oscillator with multiple voices, pan, spread, detune, etc |
CBMPImageFormat | Support for reading and writing Windows Bitmap files |
CBoxArea | A group of control boxes |
CBP12State | State for band pass filter |
CBP24State | State for band pass filter |
CCatenary | A catenary is the shape a wire, cable, rope etc |
CCoalescedTimer | Run multiple timers from one juce::Timer per rate |
CColourPropertyComponent | |
CCommentMetadata | |
►CComponentGrid | |
CDragInfo | |
CComponentViewer | Shows the component under the mouse and component hierarchy |
CControlBox | A box for holding controls on a grid |
CCopperLookAndFeel | Plugin specific addition to GinLookAndFeel Still black and white |
CCopperLookAndFeelWrapper | Auto sets and clears CopperLookAndFeel as default |
CDCBlocker | |
CDelayLine | Audio Delay with linear interpolation |
►CDownloadManager | Downloads files to a memory block and then calls a lambda on the message thread with the results |
CDownloadResult | |
CDynamics | Compressor / Gate / Expander / Limiter based on algorithm from Designing Audio Effect Plug-ins in C++ by Will Pirkle |
CDynamicsMeter | Draws a comp, gate, limiter, expander graph Draws input > output curve Draws input and output levels |
CEasedValueSmoother | Linearly smooths a value in a 0 to 1 range at a constant rate |
CElevatedFileCopy | Copies files, creating folders where required requesting admin access only if required |
CEllipse | Equations to calculate the shape of an ellipse and to calculate points on the edge of the ellipse and to see if points are inside or outside |
CEnvelopeDetector | EnvelopeDetector for Dynamics |
CEQ | Basic multi channel / multi band EQ |
CEquationParser | |
CExifMetadata | |
CFastMath | |
CFilePropertyComponent | |
►CFileSystemWatcher | Watches a folder in the file system for changes |
CListener | Receives callbacks from the FileSystemWatcher when a file changes |
CFilter | Basic multi channel filter |
CFuncState | Base class to store an audio functions state But you say "functions don't have state!" Well, that's true, but to make things like filters act as functions, I need to hide a bit of state in them |
CGainProcessor | |
CGateEffect | Gate effect |
CGateEffectComponent | An editor for the gate effect pattern |
CGinLookAndFeel | The GinLookAndFeel |
CGlideInfo | Info on how the voice should glide |
CHeaderButton | A header button with title text |
CHeaderItem | A header with power button, name and mod destinations |
CHeaderRow | Holds a row of headers |
CHorizontalFader | Horizontal slider wth text for controlling a param |
CHP12State | State for high pass filter |
CHP24State | State for high pass filter |
►CHttp | |
CHttpResult | |
CImageMetadata | |
CImages | |
CIntegrator | Calculates the integral of a function defined by a series of points |
CIptcMetadata | |
CKnob | Slider + editable text for showing a param |
CLambdaAsyncUpdater | Like juce::AsyncUpdater, but it calls a std::function<> |
CLambdaMouseListener | If you add a mouse listener to yourself to get nested mouse messages, then you get them all twice, so use a lambda mouse listener instead |
CLambdaTimer | Like juce::Timer, but it calls a std::function<> |
CLambdaValueTreeListener | Listen to value tree changes with std::function<> |
CLayout | Layout components with json, supports hot reloading |
CLeastSquaresRegression | See for original code |
CLevelMeter | Draws a simple level meter |
CLevelTracker | Track audio levels with decay in dB |
►CLFO | LFO with many shapes |
CParameters | |
CLFOComponent | Draws an LFO curve and shows a little dot moving long |
CLinearRegression | Calculates linear regression from a set of points |
►CLocationManager | |
CListener | |
CLocation | |
CLP12State | State for low pass filter |
CLP24State | State for low pass filter |
CMapViewer | Draws an map, etting tiles fom one of many OpenStreetMapsServers |
CMessagePack | Converts to/from MessagePack and juce::var |
CMidiFifo | FIFO - stuff midi in one end and it pops out the other |
CModCurveButton | A button that displays mod curve |
CModDstId | |
►CModMatrix | Add one of these to you Synth if you want to support modulation |
CListener | |
CModMatrixBox | A list box of all assigned |
CModSrcId | |
CModSrcListBox | A list box of all mod sources |
CModulation | Audio modulation, for a chorus or phaser etc |
CModulationDepthSlider | A button for the modulation destination |
CModulationOverview | A button and text readout that shows the current modulation source |
CModulationSourceButton | A button for enabling modulation learn |
CModVoice | Make your synth voice inherit from this if it supports modulation |
CData | |
CParameters | |
CPoint | |
CMSEGComponent | Draws an MSEG LFO curve and shows a little dot moving long |
CMultiParamComponent | A base component for controlling multiple parameters at once |
CNewsChecker | Checks Wordpress feed for plugin news |
CNoiseState | State for noise |
CNotch12State | State for notch filter |
CNotch24State | State for notch filter |
CNoteDuration | How long is a note? |
►COpenStreetMaps | Fetches map files from OSM servers |
CListener | |
COscState | State for an oscillator |
CPagedControlBox | A control for holding pags of controls on a grid Pages slide over top of each other to make room |
CParamArea | A box for graphs without a header |
CParamBox | A box for knobs with a header |
CParamComponent | Base class for a control showing a parameter with label |
►CParameter | A parameter with user values, real time safe callbacks, modulation, and all sorts of other fancy stuff |
CParameterListener | |
CParamState | |
CParamHeader | A header with title text |
►CPatchBrowser | |
CAuthorsModel | |
CPresetsModel | |
CTagsModel | |
CPerlinNoise | Perlin noise - realistic looking noise Based on reference implementation of Perlin Noise by Ken Perlin |
CPinkNoise | |
CPlateReverb | Plate reverb from Dattorro's paper |
CPluginAlertWindow | An alert window that doesn't add itself to the desktop |
CPluginButton | Button for toggling a parameter |
CPluginComboBox | A control for selecting param values from a dropbox |
CPluginLookAndFeel | Plugin specific addition to GinLookAndFeel Still black and white |
CPluginLookAndFeelWrapper | Auto sets and clears PluginLookAndFeel as default |
CPluginSlider | A slider for controlling a parameter |
CPoint | Like the juce::Point, useful for project that don't use juce_graphics |
CPolygon | Polygon with multiple points |
CPowerButton | Button for toggling a parameter, drawn as a power button |
CProcessor | A process with internal and external params |
CProcessorEditor | Plugin editor |
CProcessorEditorBase | Base for plugin editor |
CProcessorOptions | Use this class to customize your plugin |
CProgram | Saves your plugin state to XML |
CPropertyComponentBase | |
CReadout | A control for displaying a parameter |
CRealtimeAsyncUpdater | Like juce::AsyncUpdater but it doesn't use the message queue |
CResamplingFifo | ResamplingFifo - uses secret rabbit code |
CRIFFParser | Parse all the chunks in RIFF files (like wav, aiff, etc) |
CRollingAverage | Keeps a rolling average of a series of numbers |
CSample | Holds an audio sample |
CSampleOscillator | Oscillator for playing samples |
CScaledPluginEditor | If you want your plugin editor to scale, just wrap it in this |
CScratchBuffer | A temporay buffer provided from a list |
CSecureStreamingSocket | |
CSelect | Control for picking param value with label |
CSharedMemory | Creates a block of shared memory |
CSimpleVerb | Simple Reverb |
►CSingleLineTextEditor | An editable text box |
CInputFilter | Base class for input filters that can be applied to a TextEditor to restrict the text that can be entered |
CLengthAndCharacterRestriction | An input filter for a TextEditor that limits the length of text and/or the characters that it may contain |
CListener | Receives callbacks from a TextEditor component when it changes |
CLookAndFeelMethods | This abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide TextEditor drawing functionality |
CSmoothedParameter | A silky smooth parameter |
CSmoothingType | How do you want you params smoothed? |
►CSpline | Cubic spline interpolation is a simple way to obtain a smooth curve from a set of discrete points |
CElement | |
CStepLFO | LFO with editable number of steps |
CStepLFOComponent | Draws a step LFO curve and shows a little dot moving long |
CStereoDelay | Stereo delay with feedback and cross feedback |
CStereoEnhancer | Stereo Enhancer |
►CStereoOscillator | Virtual Analog Stereo oscillator |
CParams | |
CStereoProcessor | Stereo Processor |
CSVGButton | Button that draws an SVG |
CSVGPluginButton | Button for toggling a parameter |
CSwitch | Control for toggling param with label |
CSynthesiser | MPESynthesiser with better fast kill, mono and glide support |
CSynthesiserUsage | Control for synth usage |
CSynthesiserVoice | A voice with glide info and fast kill support |
CSystemClipboard | Handles reading/writing to the system's clipboard |
CSystemSemaphore | A semaphore that works across processes and in one process This is not finished / implemented |
CTextHistory | |
CTextRenderer | Render audio to ascii waveforms |
CTimeProfiler | Time Profiler – get a quick idea how long something takes |
CTitleBar | |
CTriggeredScope | Triggered Scope that it can be set to start on a rising or falling signal |
CUpdateChecker | Checks for plugin updates |
CValueSmoother | Linearly smooths a value in a 0 to 1 range at a constant rate |
CValueTreeObject | Mirrors a ValueTree in Objects |
CVoicedOscillatorParams | |
CVoicedStereoOscillator | Stereo Oscillator with multiples voices, pan, spread, detune, etc |
CVoicedStereoOscillatorParams | |
CWaveformComponent | Draws a waveform |
CWavetableComponent | Draws a wavetable |
CWEBPImageFormat | Support for reading and writing Webp |
CWebSocket | |
CWetDryMix | Mix between wet and dry with a nice curve |
CWhiteNoise | |
CWSHeaderType | |
►CWTOscillator | WT Oscillator |
CParams | |
CWTVoicedStereoOscillator | Stereo Wavetable Oscillator with multiples voices, pan, spread, detune, etc |
CWTVoicedStereoOscillatorParams | |
CXmpMetadata | |
CXYScope | Draws an XY Scope |